.. PSOA-to-TPTP Converter documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Nov 7 10:16:35 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to PSOA2TPTP Translator documentation! ================================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 0 project-proposal/index Overview ------------ .. Knowledge representation is a major phase in semantic web applications, and rule language is a main type of formal languages for knowledge representation. PSOA RuleML is an lately developed rule language which combines the ideas of relational(logic-based) and object-oriented(frame-based) modeling. In order to support reasoning on PSOA RuleML, we are implementing a converter to transform PSOA RuleML documents into TPTP format, which is a widely used format for theorem provers. With this converter, reasoning in PSOA RuleML will be available using Vampire prover. In the implementation, we use Antlr3.0 parser generator to create a parser to transform PSOA RuleML documents into an abstract syntax tree. The PSOA syntax tree is then converted into TPTP-FOF syntax by the converter. Finally, TPTP-format documents are generated using existing TPTP parser library. Knowledge representation is at the foundation of Semantic Web applications, using rule and ontology languages as the main kinds of formal languages. PSOA RuleML is a recently developed rule language which combines the ideas of relational (predicate-based) and object-oriented (frame-based) modeling. In order to support reasoning in PSOA RuleML, we are implementing a translator to map PSOA RuleML knowledge bases and queries to the TPTP format, as widely used for theorem provers. With this translator, reasoning in PSOA RuleML will be available using the VampirePrime prover. In our implementation, we use the Antlr3.0 parser generator tool to create a parser for PSOA RuleML and a tree parser to produce TPTP strings for a subset of the PSOA language. We have completed the Antlr lexer rules and grammar rules based on work by Alexandre. After parsing, an Antlr Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is generated by the tree rewriting rules in the grammar file. Then, in the tree parser, the generated AST is parsed, based on the tree grammar rules, and TPTP strings are created. Finally, we run the TPTP-translated PSOA RuleML sample documents in VampirePrime to get the query results. Files ---------- * `Project Proposal Document <../latex/PSOA2TPTPTranslator.pdf>`_ * `Project Demo Source `_ * `Project Online Demo `_